Picture this as a family portrait…lol…this family of SIX sports stars and two parents still amazingly wildly in love dancing the lambada together gets into THIS situation: me. A four year old.
The mother/Nina from The Forbidden Dance brings home a BABY of 4 years old to “I am a Woman in Love” in a hilarious musical performance after warming up to Julio Iglesias. And MARIA charges across this woman’s lawn to throw the house upside down upon arrival…
DR. J — a totally unreal human being offers Angelita money, money, and then, she accuses Maria’s father of being a child molester…on the light end…while MARIA totally, unbelievably, REFUSES to yield. JOSE — number one at tennis in the USA at 16 must rise to meet her, women holding down the perimeter screaming JOSE! His legs over the ottoman.
Now, put the kids in different groupings for these pictures… as they will go down in history…for their family dance parties…
OH, the child molester. ANGELITA starts playing a LITTLE NICE GAME WITH THIS MOTHER FUCKER. CALLING HER HOUSE?????? SURE!!!! THE NICENESS WAS FELT, A BLADE. MARIA play along, shaking her head at me at this MAN…inviting me on VACATION.
Time to dance baby, regardless.
And on the heels of a party, my father starts asking to come OVER? TO VISIT? PLACES! NICOLE and MARIA start going NUTS across this house…as she opens her front door (in a darker tone) and he’s sentenced to stand and watch the show. I had to ignore him in a state of glee. It’s evidently a show. But then, looking at DR. J, what can you say? He got the door sentimentally slammed in his face. “THANK YOU, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, REALLY, FOR THE MEMORIES,” the door closing, “that we made together…”
High five!
“And what are you going to say to the lawyers?”
JOSE is over the banister.
MARIA is already out of the back.
He’s flying out a window.
Slip in slide parties. It doesn’t matter. I’m misbehaving.
I refused to put on sunscreen!!
St. Elmo’s Fire.
Picture someone nodding… looking back at all this. The poster. The family portrait. I can’t really speak to “the me, the adult” looking back on this right? Because I’m just doing a family pic, I don’t know if I’m going to do a VoiceOver…if that’s necessary or I’ll just show you, but there’s a bit of that sentiment, I suppose, looking at their family videos to “Through the Years.”
THE SEXY SAX IS THE MOTHER dancing in her bedroom regardless of what’s happening… she might snap at Julianne Moore for calling her and saying a bunch of shit from The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, by the way, another movie I have to watch again from the era…
I can’t use other movie posters, the producer said, so no problem. I stayed up all night again — but who cares? Trying to communicate a vision. Not really knowing yet. But it’s still pretty clear to me, still, I’m moving at the speed of light. He’s so busy, but he hasn’t let go. He wants something from me. So we’re going to discuss next MONDAY…what? I thought I had until the end of this week? I know the story is good. I know the ingredients are perfect. The heart button is the one to push.
ANGELITA dancing in her bedroom in a holy light….cracking up at her own heat…her kids looking up…always needing something, ANGELITA suddenly snapping at them.
Can you imagine? If you got into this situation?
This baby’s parents get crazier?
The mother disappears? Owing you thousands of dollars now? 3 years later. 4. And your husband must help you get out of insanity? Since ANGELITA will go insane. And Penelope Cruz in Immensita goes a little insane. Light. But she burns up the house.
I think the nostalgia of the 80s, Through the Years by Kenny Loggins, all that, is the right comedic note to strike. It’s Barbara Harris. No? She’s back bitches. I was going to put that in my bible, but took it out, because I wasn’t sure if that was going to translate. Endearing, heartfelt. So maybe pink.
You know that part in Heavenly Creatures where she has a real fight with her mom? Lynskey. In her room. You can feel that style, well, we’re going to take a turn…down that real dramatic road, where the situation gets startling real. The sprinklers turning on might make you jump.
I think that’s right.
My parents did nothing.
Plus, I computed that, crazy, that in 1990, or around then, this Brazilian mother got paid 12,000 dollars a month… to do this. That’s the value of 1,200 a week. That’s real money. And of course, she always said it wasn’t enough, so I don’t know what to say about that. It could have been more. DR. J got 15,000 out of her sister so I could go to the “University for Children,” seriously, you see? She was like that. That’s about a month of expenses for this?
The producer said we have 2 more weeks.
Good, he’s a good man, right?
He told me that we had a month…………….alright, so now, we have two more weeks. Thank God. I can do this! I’m relieved.
It’s just the ending to the actual story isn’t…satisfying, it’s not an ending. ANGELITA did convince herself that my father wasn’t a child molester— because DR. J is a massive liar, it’s not that, it’s just, in this situation, I have no idea what that was. And all that is FUN in a script —DR. J’s unrealism, my father, the looming figure, this family also Brazilian getting HEATED…but based on this conversation that ANGELITA has, just about to lose it, her marriage on the rocks, please, this is the love of her life, okay? She’s going to invite the father over…and tell him that she lied, and based on his response, she’s going to really lose it. “She can stay with you while I figure this out…” UHHHHH, ANTHONY is going to have to rise from the DARKNESS to KIDS everywhere. And they have to go get MARIA — JOSE her guardian now. She dropped me off…remember this day?
Calling her. I remember that. I couldn’t stay here. She dropped me off because not her KID. Just like that, no warning, just dropped me off, I was totally traumatized. I don’t have a BED in this house!!! I couldn’t say that back then, but NOW I can. Please! My parents were INSANE!
At least, my father was diagnosed with the disease after these years, man. Didn’t tell anyone though. Thanks.
So, I went to bed at 11 am? Slept a few hours. Woke up, my calf burning, so much pain, thoughts swirling in my mind, UPDATES, you suck, no I don’t, the producer —he hasn’t let go. I’m getting there. I know the story is really good. I think the Immensità images are actually good — with her dancing with these kids…it can translate to that feeling. And then, AHHHH!!!! Kate Winslet… I’ll talk to him. “I WANT something from YOU.” FESTIVALS TWO WEEKS. Imagine? Turkey?
It’s a real drama, and Cruz such a good actress, so I can use these stills to give a feeling of how this gets to her head. She really wanted to kill my father, okay? Slice his — dick off, she doesn’t give a shit. THAT was the TONE of her NICENESS. AND THE THING IS — I don’t feel ANY problem from the audience….yeah, I understand. And I put on the first page of my Bible that law schools might actually use this film. “This is a temporary insanity plea.” That’s it, in a nutshell.
And you’re going to understand WHY she’s putting all this together, you understand, I think my mother’s BIOGRAPHY will explain it all. May it go down in history. You see, around there, I felt, yeah, put all those images…add some more. REALLY? Really. She was reaching for gold. Dr. J. You mean to tell me that a producer isn’t going to go — HER NAME IS DR. J? JOY? YEAH. A real villain, unfortunately. The path of the villain is real. Not to say that anyone is REALLY a villain, but seriously, just stop, there obviously are villains, in a sense. That’s her. She might have “tried,” and I can write that film once I gain more experience… you see. A woman who also throws ANGELITA over a cognitive edge, a, how could you lie about something like that…except based on what I went through, I have no idea what to say, okay? That’s first. Then, ANGELITA didn’t know what to do about how my mother handled me…just please. BUT I THOUGHT THIS BITCH ONLY CAME OVER LIKE TWICE?
So, in the real, was there some transitional period? This all happened ridiculously fast. And ANGELITA said I started living with her in a SNAP, just like that. I experienced it as overnight. I don’t know the real details. But she knows what my mother’s body looks like, for real, she knows how she throws herself on people, and she can’t quite deal…I was just a touch too young. And when I look at EIGHT NINE year olds…that is just NOT me. But that was me. But that’s the real. And all those sentiments exist. It’s practically a musical too. It’s musical, so. that was the other reason why I thought, oh, Heavenly Creatures is as well.
I can’t fully explain what I went through, but there seemed to be future out there that got me through that, so I hope that’s true, and every step I take…in regards to this film…the closer I feel, like maybe I’ll find my place in the world. That’s an unusual story, and it’s sort of amazing that I met Barbara Harris. Again, if I knew who she was, back then, I would have gone to her for help. That’s it. It’s right here in this hilarious family version of The Breakfast Club. With a baby who looks nothing like them.
We went through this together. You cannot tell me…okay? Call the cops, call foster care, yikes. Who wants to do that? People told me over the years no, partially due to what really happened AKA how I approached this, that it was SO unbelievable, so IMAGINE what it was like for HER. Not able to BELIEVE my mother. Barbara Harris HIGH FIVE. OKAY?
So, I thought, like, okay, well, you know how Heavenly Creatures is a blend of styles? Even playful? Well, it’s sort of like that, by nature of what really happened, and I can’t totally operate the composition in terms of — it was pretty heightened. Angelita is a big personality. You know what I mean? And those performances for my father were HIGH PITCHED. But so was my mother’s…and then, boom, JOSE, take us away, to the family dance party… the lambada being a passionate experience, but it’s the PG version, which is still funny. These kids, lol, it’s like a button. Suddenly, they’re born to dance, NICOLE at seven, the Lilith Fair child, okay, just able to move like that. Picture Julianne Moore, even, you see? Just so funny.
She’s 100% Brazilian. Not Mexican playing Brazilian, she’s Brazilian. So she’s dancing in her room, this is correct. It’s correct.
The music is great, nostalgic, but I have to figure out the through-line of it, probably, since the lambada is central, but there’s another Brazilian song that, I think, will be the end. It was Michele’s favorite. They were inspiring. I was four. I’m spent, wiped, and never felt better. Two more weeks. Thanks. St. Elmo’s Fire. Laughing, because well, he cheated on her, he almost killed him…for sleeping with his fiancee…she’s a drug addict…and Rob Lowe…in on the sax. The memories. “Us.”
In the MINI VAN.
I thought I had less than a week left, but thank God, thank God he didn’t tell me that. He said, let’s talk next Monday? About all this? It’s going to be so great, I've never be happier. But NO ONE can help you, in a sense, it’s really true, just watch things. Nostalgic, heart. That humor. Look at this poster lol.
There are seven people right there. Add one more. And that’s the family involved. That group. Big group. And one super cute baby. lol. who isn’t that cute. She doesn’t WANT THIS LANGUAGE. No one………
I know this situation, you see. I know it. It provides all sorts of opportunities.
Dr. J is so unreal, that’s interesting right there, she’s not naturalistic, and I can shape her. And the situation is dramatic enough that it’s ripe for comedy, just so many kids. Serious situation. Grandkids, too, already, as the eldest got married at 19. Cousins. Rum cakes being — ANGELITA dancing sexy— baked for the city of Los Angeles. JOSE running down the stairs. The girls snapping at ANGELITA who isn’t denying it…that she favors Jose. lol.
How could I not fall in love with them, do you know? I just mean as an ensemble, people pouring in for these lambada parties. And they did. To watch this family dance together…which they would…
With a sex goddess of a mother lol I wrote in my bible. A couple who really loves each other. She’s truly funny Angelita. “Pay attention,” turning up the dial on the stereo. We’re singing the love songs — with the appropriate passion for us, but to the outside eye, it’s a movie already. It’s so true. It’s already larger than life. “PAY ATTENTION!” A bull. She’s BULL when the power ballad comes on. Truly speaking, swaying in her bedroom. “The Power of Love” hit it big in this house.
This movie has all the right ingredients.
And I’m getting there…in terms of communicating a clean vision.
DAVID FOSTER. We haven’t seen the last of him…
So, too many ideas at once, I can tell, but WHOOSH. I put a section for the love songs. I didn’t know what to do with the “real story” of it. Should I make a section where I take you step by step? But then, I thought that’s what the structure section is for, but even I can feel the “UHHHHHHH” I read dramas everyday. I don’t need to know this. I’m not sure. I’ve been moving very fast. But that’s the right note. I look forward to talking to him…
Maybe I’ll put Barbara Harris in there, hoping someone might go, “oh,” yeah, I see. Heart. Not to say anything about anyone, I can’t quite explain it, but there’s something to say about her humor. An angle of it. The mystery in it. The psychological complexity of it. Right? Maybe pink. I can’t use the poster, but I just figured out how to use Photoshop at 4 AM last night. So I can photoshop a little now. At least remove things. I don’t know if I can take a break…like I’ll keep watching movies…maybe…moving on… not because I don’t want to wait for him…but because I want to…keep on clarifying my vision on my end. Looking at TONE and STYLE like HMMMM.
A group photo, not like that, but the feeling of it, the humor in it, it’s all right. Well, I mean, regardless, we’re friends? No? I’m not sure, you know, if my best friend slept with my fiancee — hm, I might need a minute. I just think it’s funny… he doesn’t respond…always…like I wrote him this email…”I NEED TO THINK THIS OUT,” no caps. Then, “sent you a bible,” and he’s right there.
Now, I can conceive of a great number of things. Like a piece with Dr. J. I can do that WITH a secret agent, or a federal agent, evidently, since, if DR. J calls me requesting visits, or she’s on her death bed or something, I do not know… I’m getting a federal agent just to rub it in. Since this escort got a bit testy with my former brother. And THIS man and I might fall in love so fast it’s ridiculous. DO DO DO, okay, problem averted. He has to carry a weapon. You see. I call him a different name every time I refer to him. Gary, Bob, Nick, Tom, Yom, Ulysses. SURE, I’m fine. DR. J. I saw all sorts of approaches once I was able to sit and think for three weeks. I could do something poetic. Yeah. But a family drama, I can do, I can do that.
Maybe I’ll put Barbara Harris in there. Just her. So, that’s basically it. Can’t you picture Barbara Harris at 4…playing me?
I’m quite excited. I feel like I can take a day. I’m not that pleased with my clown article, though, so I don’t know what to do there… just because it’s fine…it’s getting there… I just sent in another draft. I redid it, mostly, maybe the last one was better, he might tell me that, except it’s still not quite what I want it to be. So, anyway. Feeling quite good. I can watch more movies. I can find more references, I can simplify this…except Dr. J’s page. That must remain the same. Lol. Sorry, I’m imagining turning into a fool, insisting to this production office that THE PAGE MUST STAY THE SAME. Man, I really can’t wait to hug that female director, man, wow. I can’t wait to submit this. I keep on meditating on getting to the next step.
I’m off.