So it’s going well. I’m spending some time with Christmas in Naples is a Sport right now, organizing it, which is better, and I’ll continue to work on the draft, but I plugged in a scene into my newsletter. I’m starting from the top. So then, I’ll go into another version and share that debut. I can start ten years later…and go back.
On my website, I’ll probably publish a photo after the Christmas in Naples bucket on my homepage—here’s the newsletter. You see, I don’t know how people use a website. Sure, they can click on that image and find another link, but maybe it’s a better idea to make it SUPER stupid, like, here’s the newsletter if you want to read scenes. Then, in that bucket I can direct you to the newsletter, but here are some longer excerpts since I’m working on a longer one right now, and I would write a newsletter to direct to it…? I’m supposed to publish everywhere, picturing some agent going, “what?” Okay, she’s surfacing. Help! Please! That’s my goal, so I might as well do everything I can.
I like the text over the photos. I’m just playing around, and the book is not exactly that, not unless someone tells me to do that, so I’m trying that out. I have a social account that’s for Naples, so maybe I can start posting those graphics. Figure out a system. It’s such a sitcom in the making too. Truly. Where I go through hell, and no one is that fazed about it, okay, it’s just Dante once again. So I went through hell, a real place, everyone recognizes it, and I made it out, you know, Franco stirring risotto. Dante. It’s just Dante. That’s it. It’s really funny.
My newsletter will go out today, I just have so many scenes, Jesus Christ, and I’ll post that on my Neapolitan channel, and just start. Maybe I’ll post the longer excerpts on Medium, again, I don’t totally understand how to use all these platforms…but I’m working on a longer one right now.
So I gotta get back to all this.
I might try and watch some Neapolitan movies. I could work on the text today for a bible. I have a synopsis already that a filmmaker approved, basically, so maybe I can produce another bible. I say that because I don’t know what to do about Once Upon a Time on Miracle Mile right now. I have to meditate on the structure a bit as I’ve watched more films. I have an idea as to how to reorganize it, but it might be better to hold off until I speak to him. The immensità photos ended up being the strongest, just because of the dance, the dramatic build of it, since she sort of loses it.
I’ll work on the beginning of this book a little longer. I’ll work on the longer excerpt. I might cancel Sunday, but I gotta pick up my small bag, just because I have a meeting on Monday, and then, I might just throw text on the page for a Christmas in Naples is a Sport movie bible — take Natale in Casa Cupiello, I gotta watch that, where a cousin returns…with a “Dark past” but bright face, but Christmas in Naples is a SPORT, so she gets wrapped up in it, Carmine’s band, it’s a MUSICAL, an unforgettable Christmas classic. It’s a great Christmas family pic that’s a little Totò. Who doesn’t want to see that? In Italy? Who doesn’t want to see a hilarious female Totò meets Dante? What even does that mean? My cousins legitimately, casually, by the pool, say “yes, you are Dante,” it’s not even a big deal. Truly speaking. I begin to walk with a confidence I have never had…you see, to the Neapolitans, I had the ingredients to become IMMORTAL. DANTE’s NAME is on EVERY PIAZZA!
No…I’m laughing at you calling ME Dante. As in the Florentine poet.
That was indeed their point. My name could be on every piazza, you see, Neapolitans LOVE a rise to immortality story. This is who Dante is. He reached the ultimate goal. This is Christmas in Naples. And if necessarily, sure, Gennaro can be Hades, he can, since that’s who he is to me. A statesman. And the family, particularly Angela with her pout, finds it adorable, amusing, nothing more. She’s just seeing mythological characters within us… Dante. A truly great group of people. Fun fun characters. Their landscaper, his name, is Natale. Hello? Do I need to EXPLAIN anymore?
So it’s a female clown—SO ITALIAN. An American who IS, to this family, Neapolitan, okay? Not American. She might not make SENSE but they can follow her…not blinking an eye at CHAOS, there’s nothing unusual about it, Angela laughing, you know, how funny it is, me being worried about such a thing, about being in such a state, calling me “absurd” at times… so I get embraced by this group of people….so just picture Roberto Benigni in Life is Beautiful — she is sort of that kind of character within her own story that THEY don’t totally get. They get the ATMOSPHERE, the DANTE, even, with the stories of what…she’s seen. “Connecticut.” It stirs the whole family. “What is this Connecticut?”
"Translating Connecticut whispers….”
They did not understand it. They whisper when they TALK? Concerned.
MARIA does not understand! YES! I do not know, they do not express their sentiments! Losing it. But there’s nothing unusual about that, so it’s so freeing, you know? “IT IS BENEATH, IN the ground, the sentiments!” Frank has to honk sometimes, “Maria?” He’s touched, somehow. But why did you give up theater? Haha.
Not to compare my story to WWII Nazis. It’s to understand that this character fits into a tradition, she fits the bill, and she didn’t come from a BRIGHT story, but she’s bright. It’s what makes her touching. But you also will laugh because she doesn’t know how to speak the language. The comedy of total miscomprehension with FRANCO and MARIA being the cop and Totò in Cops and Robbers…I’ll get some serious interrogation room scene, I’m sure I can find it. But FRANCO is the SYSTEM. Laughing.
My cousins saw the quality, the art, truly speaking, in my “abstract hands…” you see, my hands, apparently, were ALWAYS “very imaginative, si si,” so…there’s a physical comedy to this person, like Flora says, it’s abstract art, right? But it has a quality, yes, it’s artistically valid, it holds, and they encouraged me…so it’s fun for all those reasons.
I’ll watch some Christmas movies this weekend. I might, actually. Here’s the image, many, if you need proof that it’s a sport. It’s a sport. Every page. Every TV screen. And MARIA rises to MEET IT — they might not KNOW it — but she does. She’s playing— at their level. They’re just acting normal. It’s a MATCH — morning, noon, and night. You will understand her dance moves, they won’t. But now, they will. Okay? Great family. Strong family values pic.
I’m off.