I had a very upset Brazilian mother on my hands after Miracle Mile. So picture this lady in a wig and fancy clothes telling Angelita AKA Penelope Cruz — my husband is a child molester. I’m so sorry. I suppose the reality of Dr. J, how she really was is somewhat beside the point, she has to be an almost incomprehensible personality. Like, she’s SINCERE. As she is. And then, on the phone, you’re getting something else to take this mother on a real ride. A Joyride. You have no idea.
A beautiful day, and they keep getting more beautiful by the hour… I’m watching Tears of Endearment next and probably The Tree of Life, maybe Fear because a family gets into an insane situation, but evidently, Wahlberg is so attractive that — sure, I remember my friends in high school running to see that movie…who cares that he goes insane or that he tries to kill this family? None of my friends cared. He’s so hot. That was their response. I’m THERE for the WORK, pointing DOWN like the wise screenwriter does. That’s what he forcefully said to ME — I’m mentoring you as AN ARTIST. He didn’t give a SHIT about anything else. Hollywood harshness and I loved it too. I must admit. He’s not doing a GODDAMN thing for me — just get the fuck out. “See you tomorrow?” And I’d just show up. Would you like coffee? Just insert Barbara Harris, once again, as me. Coming into the equation at 38. And of course, MY GOAL is — HE calls ME. “Excuse me? Do you have a MOVIE coming out?” “AND? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CARE?” He’s going to remain silent. “Congratulations.”
Anyway, I don’t want to “overthink,” but then, I want to put something together that someone will want to make. I think style wise, I’m still searching for that, since, on the one hand, Angelita is so hilarious, wild, like Penelope Cruz but — throw the ball over the fence — and her legs are so spectacular, it makes her funnier. Her performance with my father — you see, I can’t totally judge — her “nice game,” since she really laid it on thick. "Ohhhhhhhhh, look who it is,” looking at me at four, five, God knows, “Nick…” and then, she’s laying the frosting. “It’s such a pleasure,” even, really, to receive this phone call. What can she do? For you…oh, and she’s pacing back and forth in this kitchen, she’s kicking her legs, acting super nice, oh, isn’t this, Italy and New Jersey, how nice, right. He’s trying to act like “the nice guy,” seriously speaking, and then, she would drop her performance, for me, a super physically talented lady if you think about her kids, and stick her finger in her mouth, and reassume her vertical physicality. It’s already a style. What are people going to say to that? And then, she stomps, the performance just mounts. “WHAT?” She MUST make sure she heard this man. “What did you say?” Not wanting to lose a word! “MARIA?” You should laugh out loud. “Where’s MARIA?” She laughs, just laughs, “don’t worry,” she means it, “she’s right here…” she reassures him under HER gaze, you know, she never lets her wander far… very safe. Well SURE, of course, oh my God, I’m so sorry, just so many kids around, and no one is, obviously, here she is…and she calls me over with a finger. And she already told me I was to play along…and she’s looking at me with a hilarious face of shock…as this man goes hello! Hi. I don’t remember if there was a how are you? GOOD. I might have said that, I really don’t know, but basically, he — in a “i’m talking to a kid voice”— “do you want to go to Italy and New Jersey with me…?” She’s shaking her head “no.” So, I say “no.” I’m five. What the hell do these places mean to me? Then, he reaches out “I love you Maria,” sentimental. So I begin to say it back, not really knowing what to say, and she grabs the phone — and thanks him profusely for calling all the way to the receiver, slams it down, nicely. And curses his existence in Portuguese.
What style is that?
Won’t the audience be somewhat shocked? To then, set up for a dance party? I imagine someone will be laughing. Party time. But that’s exactly what it was. So I suppose it’s also a comedy. It’s just not “Black,” sure, maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, maybe she was, I have no idea, these were a couple of weirdos, and it’s just gonna get weirder. I think one of the things you’ll see is — a sitting back. Just because the situation isn’t going to make sense. He’s going over in such a fashion, now, watching some show being put on, and he can’t cross the threshold. Some LOOMING figure. He was diagnosed with a disease after this…his inability to admit it to himself, his inability to tell anyone, I don’t know what to say about that, but he was. HE got the door slammed in his face for years. Watching a show that was so blatantly a show, that was the point. Like, WTF is going on? And then, we keep partying? Maybe I’ll watch Parents, maybe I will watch a comedy horror. At least for style, JOSE LIEBERMAN running down the step BEN STILLER — who can convince us that he is Brazilian too, on the dance floor, especially, having a conversation with his mother about this? WHAT? Horror eyes. ARE YOU DOING? No? Or, do they all play this game? Kicking soccer balls, like he shows up to some extravaganza with puppets, you know? That’s what I mean…with something like that, I have license to make it even absurd. Like some dream. Something where she’s losing her mind, but she believes for 12,000 a month, how “generous,” I suppose at first, to protect her child, that this battered woman who’s crazy I don’t know because of it is just trying to leave this asshole. But it goes on too long. Spins out of control.
I think that’s clear. It’s just being able to zoom in on what the style is, JOSE or BEN STILLER able to exist in the range of it? Since he’s another lead, essentially, since he’s the one who had to deal with my fits, he’s been bit, he’s had to fly over ottomans, show us his pro skills, he’s had to deal with a wild kid. So of course, by the end, he's basically nodding, taking on “airs” of being a true parent here. He’s sort of clear to me as that Royal Tenenbaums character who has to hold a particular commitment to “the jeu,” like he hates Royal, he hates this situation, but he must also become #1. The way, it was so funny, since Jose was tuned into me, you see, he could “feel me.” Since I would hide for hours, the house was turned upside for hours…looking for me…to the point that Jose came home and threw his gear down — so no matter where I was, I heard it. He made noise. Slammed his feet. It was a high level of play. Thunder. So he throws his gear down at the open door while five women scream Jose! “She got out this time.” No, he says, no. In maybe 2 seconds, he could find me in less than 1 minute. They never understood it, it was really funny. There’s only so many places someone so small can hide. I usually hid in plain sight, smart move, like right under your nose. Not upstairs. Not under the bed. Lol. Clever. This — pulling me out. But it would be a tiny Godzilla coming awake. I’m not going to totally always say that, but that’s the impression I got from them. Even if they thought I was cute, too, eventually, I don’t know what to say. It was all good until people told me what to do. And sure, I would rebel, I was completely confused. No offense.
So I think if I put that character from Royal Tenenbaums in, as a style within that, that makes sense. It’s just that, the father feels like a different world. Everything spun out of control. So it gets REAL. It is. Already. Can this co-exist? Or should I just just make JOSE JOSE. Not play style. It’s already physically dramatic, kids constantly playing sports, um, big bodies, all that, so maybe I should do it straight. Not to say there isn’t something comedic about all this, but maybe it’s drama. I like, sometimes, the idea of pushing a comedic genre of some kind, I mean Hitchcock probably would. With reality coming in - the father - who’s there - but he just isn’t present because of his job, and the thing is, the second he would step into the house, yeah, everyone would change. He commanded immense respect. He was a figure that all these kids adored. An untouchable person. So that was true. Suddenly there’s the Von Trapp children. Their devotion to one another was the most touching… thinking about Immensity with Cruz with the classical music, thinking about Spielberg watching “the movie” of them… so maybe I have to change the beginning slightly to give that impression right away. So it’s a touch more “aw, Maria…she doesn’t come from this…” and this family party might come sooner? I don’t know…I might just have to restructure this so you feel how inspiring they are. He’s a good father.
He ends up blowing at me because I refused — an Italian — to eat with my elbows off the table, you see, to my Neapolitan cousins, they were SHOCKED that anyone would ever say that to an Italian. They were pissed for me, my revolting was simply Neapolitan, which is a cultural trait. So funny. YES, they were even lost, upset, that I was so fundamentally misunderstood. They were heart-warmed by my displays. Well, yeah, well, if you go up against a Neapolitan…this is…this is what you’re going to get. And yes, it’s going to get worse. Si, they could track it. You cannot tell a Neapolitan to eat with their elbows off the table. It’s deeper than they are, it’s in the blood: REVOLT. That’s all my cousins are going to see. Rooting for me. They’re probably not even going to get upset, probably just act like I’m cute, and it will work itself out. Who gives a shit? About these words? They hated these words as much as I did: thank you, please, sorry. Gross.
Through the Years!
But I thought maybe a nostalgic vibe was right. Heartwarming. We might since…I remember that the lights were turned off…when my father would arrive…the door was wide open, I can’t describe the light, once the lights were on on the stairs, since Nicole and I were screaming laughing, we had to make noise. But I remember this being somewhat dark, so that’s why the comedy horror around Jose comes to the forefront there. I just don’t quite know how to be with all these styles, if that works, or there might be SECTIONS. That’s a particular section, or there’s something a tad more dream like that I could follow where that’s a bit scary…but like, I suppose it surrounds this mother…it’s just these family parties are heartwarming, funny, so family…beautiful. I just need to figure that…since that’s a style question. Heartbreaking, hilarious, so real, I don’t know. I suppose Tim Burton could direct this? I’m trying to think who — lol in my dreams — would direct this. A variety of people could. So I’ll watch Lynch’s comedy…but it gets realer, I don’t know quite how to put that. There’s a reality a comedic reality that they just “got a kid,” in some monologue debut from Royal Tenenbaums, no? MARIA’s mother manipulated the Tenenbaums…picture this introduction. With Ben Stiller opening the door to this “looming” figure. There’s a container for that, I just can’t totally go there yet, or I don’t know what that would mean…? As a picture.
But watching it, here’s a mother, seriously, picturing myself in the audience, which I want to picture, I want to look behind me as see the Obamas…just like, huh? She’s going to diffuse instructions… to kids. Little kids. The house is yours. She wants screaming, laughing, and Cruise is going to go, what would he say? Truly. She’s getting INTO it. Throw pillows. But real. Then, knock knock, since you want to see that scene, and then, the door opens… the house darkened, I can’t totally explain that, maybe because I felt like I was in the dark, I don’t know, but it was a particular light, on the darker side, I think. But we’re RUNNING and screaming and we’re not being loud enough. He just stands there. There’s a strong FRONT coming at him. Like we’re playing so hard, and I have to ignore him like this. She’s loving it, waving to us as we pass, loving children running crazy, wild, free. Is the audience going to be shocked? Is there “symphonic music…?” I’m sorry, it’s just hard for me not to get ridiculous, just what is this? And then, she closes the door in his face. Literally. And we give each other high fives. I get that the audience is definitely watching, it’s intriguing, but do I treat this as a drama…? With this mother increasingly losing her mind, that scene when she tells him…his wife lied, in reality, she was so hazy, confused, looking for a way out…that she’s convinced herself. Personally, I just have no idea what to say.
I go like, come on, I have no idea what that experience was that I went through recently, but then, what do I do with that? That took me YEARS. Dreams. Sensationally, that’s what I was struggling with. Jesus, that was a LIE…my whole life…but as this continues…and they bring it to a head…it’s going to get disturbing. And, shrugging, it always was. NO offense to my parents, excuse me. I see this picture surrounding a VERY strong female lead where she’s going to sort of lose her mind with a very strong male lead and they’re going to have to with these kids hold it together. I feel that HEART wrenching feeling. Where I want them to bring social services to this house, like fuck you and your RULES. I don’t know how this goes. Just because, I took the cops into my house — they’re finding probably booze, pills, maybe a lover on the entry, some totally strange father. You see, drama is sort of interesting, you insert a character and you see what they do…and the authorities coming in…I have absolutely no idea what this man would have done. I picture the cops being totally taken aback. Would they have found my mother was engaged in criminal activity? MAYBE. I don’t know. There’s nothing in the fridge? And this speech from Dr. J, a totally crazy lady, she doesn’t like to eat, well MA’AM? What do you mean? SHE doesn’t LIKE to EAT?! She put alcohol — which at FOUR, I didn’t stutter bitch — in like the one thing she ever made me. A little for the flavor, lol, and in the fabulous, wild, jewel thief version of Dr. J, that’s definitely in. That’s what she said. “Only a little for the flavor.” It was soufflés, ossobuco, only the best…for her baby. She wined and dined me, you silly goon. Hysterical.
But in this one, which is real, only because I think that’s a tad bit easier based on where I’m at. Fun scenes too. Where a couple of strong actors have to keep their family together, maybe sports stars, look, ANTHONY diffuses the INSTRUCTIONS. We’re getting MARIA the hell out of there! They pull up…here we go, I’m veering into a comedic style. But like, Angelita just dropped me off, right? I had a rough day. With this escort. NO OFFENSE. I ended up running away. Then, I called this family, Angelita had to pick me up. I probably screamed into the phone. I didn’t have a bed, I didn’t have the facilities to understand that, but come on. So I thought, I could do that, or that could be a moment where they come and get me…I have to work out these details. I could change my father figure to maybe attack Anthony, or try, lol, Angelita isn’t the type that’s going to hang back either…none of these kids would. They are — diffusing their skills. I assure you. These are professional athletes. So if you fuck with one of them, they WILL engage. That’s this family. It’s true.
It’s the type of story that’s already dramatic enough, like I don’t totally feel right about that, except that they come to get me, and I ran away, and JOSE — is asking them to tell him EVERYTHING that exists in the general vicinity, if he hears POLICE, Sheriff, he’s going STRAIGHT there. She’s sort of stupid! Hotheaded. But everyone in this family…is. Not everyone, but it’s understandable. She’s one of them…he’s seeing the shopping center — pointing! And they’re turning. And JOSE knows she’s between the cars, so he’s flying down the line. But I don’t know if that’s dramatic. It’s more for me to play…now that I can.
It’s already enough. That they find themselves in a situation that they’re going to have to handle. It’s a bit of a crack up. Maybe the heartwarming button is the one to push. I mean, in my opinion, that’s a temporary insanity plea. For real. This figure, my father’s behavior, my mother, a very small child, she…was protecting me until this woman left her husband for sordid reasons. So, based on his behavior, everyone is terrified of this figure, I can understand how that would be inebriating. And then, maybe I’ll do the thriller pic — MOM STRIKES BACK. Maybe the wise screenwriter would be proud of me. MOM STRIKES BACK. The killer Mom. Just some thriller about Mom’s taking the “destroy the child molester” game to bloody levels. Bloodbath. “Nice try.” There’s something satisfying about it. Even. Like, I think everyone would understand. You just want to KILL that person. So I got the feeling — total comprehension. Not like she’s taking the law into her own hands, in this case, but no one — literally — is going to tell…anyone that it’s not a temporary insanity plea. Okay? Like, it’s going to be okay, Ma’am.
I’ll keep finding the style of that one.
But I like ensemble, I like tight like Dog Day Afternoon, i’ll look at that one, something theatrical. I like the darkness around the house, or house becomes mysterious, and maybe at times, you do crack up, but I can’t help that the lambada parties were happening, and you want…to go to this party…so maybe there’s some kind of journey in style…or there’s, a movie I found that blends styles. Anyway, gotta watch movies! PETER JACKSON WINSLET. Heavenly Creatures 1994. YOUR MOM. Adam Sandler….? He has appeared in my framework of thinking.