So this is my office this month…
Isn’t it great? I’m in the Chinese wing somehow.
Here’s a little detail on the wall.
That’s also houses botanical drawings…and I love the plants.
That’s pretty, the walls are covered in these…
I almost finished the Bible, at least the text for Once Upon a Time on Miracle Mile. I figured it would clear up questions I had about the best way to approach it as a story. It’s fine as is. I’m not sure about Everything Flows, this producer is busy, but Miracle Mile feels spot on, so good. I just have to complete this and send it to him. I should have it done by the end of the week. I have to move quickly.
It unfolded with the references I have already, I’ll watch a few more since the style is becoming clearer to me. The only thing, was, on my way home “It’s all coming back to me now” came on after ME VE ME VA, magically. I still don’t know what to say about me as an adult me remembering all this…since that song could be, should be, funny. It would have to be timed just right… people love lip-synching.
I was thinking about myself more like a narrator, I don’t think I even need to be there that much, but serving the function of going to present time, thinking about Fleabag, not seeking to copy it, but thinking about being presentational…what I’m gathering is current, in a sense. Maria as an adult could be in the play of it… I suppose I don’t need too much of that…less like I’m literally going back…but I’m re-opening all this. I see myself in her bedroom, I mean, moments like that, where you see me as a four year old, now an adult.
The presenter— the present through line. Just put the present into the past.
Maybe I can put that as its own page: I can build a presentational through line so that MARIA can be in the play as an adult…this section doesn’t need to be that long…something contemporary that speaks to the TikTok age, something that compliments the theater of it, the real life of it, the comedy of it, in the vein of Fleabag and A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, so my real story, since it came into real question, this lie my mother told, can come into the play. It depends. But to weave in that “present through line,” not that I’m literally going back to this location, but I’m looking back presently inside this story. “It’s all coming back to me…” for the right comedic actress could be a real show-stopper since there’s the love song through-line that’s also so so funny.
I’m going to go back now to finish the text at least. And I’ll put in that page.