The Western Lands by William S. Burroughs.
I like the description of Pleasant Street.
To be replaced by a more pregnant concept of synchronicity. No scientists. I’m breaking the natural laws of the universe. A natural outlaw. You only break a natural law once. I might have to go back to the beginning. I’m sort of fascinated with some quick turns of the wheel, alright, needing to read this slowly; there are sections I can’t follow. There’s a good rhythm to it. Rhythm is sort of everything to me.
I posted some scenes I’m working on for Christmas in Naples…in my last post :)
I need more references, contemporary. I’ll see if there’s something I haven’t read of Maggie Nelson’s that might be more narrative. Harry Mathews, right, I read The Solitary Twin…he starts a little ahead with the first sentence and then goes back a little…I should read more of him, I’ll check it out. You know, I’m reading around. I don’t know…maybe in the end…it won’t matter…?
But the competitive book analysis is more about style rather than subject matter from what I understand. Christmas and family are — pretty…fundamental subjects, sellable, no? Italy, too. Christmas in Italy and it’s a moving story. But again, contemporary, my book is like this one that was published recently.
I’ll have a new sample soon. It’s the chapter outline. I’ll be able to formulate that soon.
I’m just trying to push forward as much as I can; I have all of it. It’s the narrative…that’s taken me a second…to build the drama of it, too, and humor. The section I just posted — link above — is the beginning, yes, but they’re already alerted, wondering, who is this?
So, that’s good, in that, the problem is — to them, at least, I didn’t remember who I was…though it’s been fifteen years, and people change…is this totally fair? I don’t know. Vico doesn’t care. He’ll sing for me.
Anyway, reading for more references.
I am also reading August Blue by Deborah Levy…so I’ll read her memoirs.
Thanks for reading!